Are you able to keep showing up?

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2022



May 29, 2022

Are you able to keep showing up?


Today’s edition of the UNCAGED blog comes to us courtesy of Jake Thompson, Chief Encouragement Officer (and founder) of COMPETE EVERYDAY

Jake will be one of the keynote speakers at this year’s UNCAGED LIVE event

We hope you enjoy his encouraging message today!

“Stickwithitness” - the ability to stick with a pursuit.

It goes by many names - Grit. Perseverance. Determination. Even Stubbornness.

It’s the ability to keep showing up for yourself and what you believe in until the challenge in front of you folds.

Take for instance Allan Scott, the producer behind Netflix’s wildly successful series, The Queen’s Gambit.  The show has been watched by 62 MILLION PEOPLE.

Quite a hit, eh?

It wasn’t always that way and wasn’t easy to produce.

In fact, Amy Charlotte Kean shared that Scott mentioned in a BBC interview that 

…. It took him 30 years, with 9 rewrites, and every studio he showed it to said that no one would be interested in chess.


62 million people have streamed the series

Sales of chess sets have exploded.  Ebay even reported a 273% growth in search and sales.

And the best part?

The Netflix show’s success is due largely to word of mouth, not mainstream advertising.

Someone saw it.  Loved it.  And then told someone else about it.

One after another after another.

In fact, when the show was released, it was doing “ok” for a new series.  But after roughly a month, its viewership exploded.

After 30 years of work to write it and to create it.  Not bad for an “overnight success”, right?

I don’t know what your life’s version of The Queen’s Gambit is - that goal you’ve been working on or that creation you’ve been tinkering with.

But stick with it.

Keep showing up and fighting for it.

Don’t let the lack of current success deter you.

Don’t let the length of the timeline to completion stop you.

Just keep showing up for it.  Eventually, the dam breaks.

But only if you keep working at it.

Let’s win together!

Jake Thompson, Chief Encouragement Officer - COMPETE EVERYDAY

By the way!!

I hope you enjoyed Jake’s blog today.  

Want to hear more from him?  You can do that and more!

Come meet Jake LIVE at the UNCAGED LIVE event in Denver, CO October 6-9!


50% Complete

Two Step

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